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Seminar Program

Seminar Services are designed for group training or event such as Martial Arts Schools, Centers, Corporate Companies, or any group of people. 


The purpose is to learn about Shaolin Health Exercise, Shaolin Traditional Kung Fu Forms and Weapons, and Shaolin Kung Fu Techniques and Applications.    Seminar enables effective group discussion and practices. 

Three types of programs are currently offered: 


Program 1: 

Focuses on Health related topics and softer side of health well being techniques and concepts.  Qi Gong, Yi Jin Jin (muscle tendon techniques), Chan (zen), meridian healings and many other related topics are covered. 


Program 2: 

Focuses on Shaolin traditional kung fu forms and weapons.   Foundamental keys to Shaolin Kung fu. 


Program 3: 

Focuses more advanced techniques, including kung fu applications, joint locking, sparring, and others.  


Please contact our center to inquire more. 


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